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Failure to Success – A memorable Journey

Failure is the stepping-stone to success. A person fails because he or she is not fully prepared for it. Failure has been an integral part of our lives since time memorial. Beginning with Adam and Eve, man has failed umpteen times in his attempt to lead a successful life.

Noted figures from around the world have seen failure as a motivational aspect of their life. They are the best source of inspiration for them and for others. Their failed attempts have encouraged them to taste success at a later stage. Abraham Lincoln was one such man who failed miserably before being elected as the president of the United States. He is a perfect example of how a person can endure failure and overcome all the hurdles that come their way.

This world has seen numerous cases of failed and successful humans in its history. Some manage to surpass the failed test while others simply fade away. I would state myself as an example. I have not achieved anything in the first 40 years of my life, but I am confident of overcoming my failure with sheer hard work and perseverance in the next 40 years.

I have faced many failed attempts in my life and since I am 43 years of age, I am beginning to taste success as a writer just now. I have a positive attitude towards life and due to a favorable star position in my horoscope; I reckon that I would be a successful person in the later part of my life.

Failure and success are like twins and they accompany us all the time and there is no assurance that we might succeed in whatever we endeavor to do. Failure and success are two sides of a coin and whichever way you toss the coin it will lead to success one day after a series of failures.  The usual mantra is more the failure you face in your life better the chances you are likely to succeed. A failed person should not lose heart and composure and should always strive to achieve his ultimate goal.

Finally, I have a word or two to say about failure in my life. I tend to take failure as a motivational aspect of my life. I visualize that this current wave of failure would one day lead me to the path of success with all its glory