Gaining confidence and acquiring skills is the motive
Emergency services are essential part of our lives and they play a significant role in saving people’s lives. Emergency can arise anywhere and there is absolute need for all of us to be prepared to face unexpected and unavoidable circumstances.
In order to prevent children and adults from facing such a scenario, emergency services in several countries conduct various workshops to impart training to the needy that otherwise will not be available to ordinary citizens in case of catastrophes.
Children of different age groups are the most suited to undertake the role of problem solvers, who can take proper initiative and at the same time learn appropriate skills and knowledge for better use elsewhere.
Confidence building should be the main criteria when any emergency service training is being imparted and this can go a long way in boosting the morale of the children and their parents. Skills such as holding the hosepipe, climbing the ladder and rescuing the stranded people, dousing the fire and so on are worth trying and can enhance the leadership qualities of any child given he or she is prepared to take the plunge.
During floods or earthquakes, the emergency services play a pivotal role in helping the stranded people and engaging children during such calamities not only enhances the morale and self confidence of the all those involved but also those who fall prey to such exigencies.
It is a great way to learn practically by doing that has never been done so far and children by doing so can be confident enough to tackle the situation of any magnitude provided adequate training is given and all the pros and cons are taken into account.
It would be worthwhile to say that the emergency services are absolutely essential and indispensable part of our lives. They are used to impart training, recruit new professionals and necessary to make it as a part of the course curriculum in schools and colleges where there is lack of awareness about emergency services and its usefulness.
No society is safe and secure, and if there is no emergency service in place chances of calamities and means of preventing it are dim and unless and until there is an effective and comprehensive emergency service available people’s lives will always be at risk.